Evolene Indonesia Championship (EIC) is the first international fitness and bodybuilding competition form Indonesia in collaboration with NPC IFBB Pro League, as well as being the earliest competition event to be an athlete at Olympia.


  • Men's Physique -Junior Class A (≤23 Years Old, ≤165 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Junior Class B (≤23 Years Old, 166 - 173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Junior Class C (≤23 Years Old, >173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - True Novice Class A (First Contest, ≤165 cm)
  • Men's Physique - True Novice Class B (First Contest, 166 - 173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - True Novice Class C (First Contest, >173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Novice Class A (Never First Place, ≤165 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Novice Class B (Never First Place, 166 - 169 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Novice Class C (Never First Place, 170 - 173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Novice Class D (Never First Place, >173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Open Class A (≤165 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Open Class B (166 - 169 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Open Class C (170 - 173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Open Class D (>173 cm)
  • Men's Physique - Master Class 35-40 (35 - 40 Years Old)
  • Men's Physique - Master Class 41+ (≥41 Years Old)
  • Men's Classic Physique - Novice (Never First Place)
  • Men's Classic Physique - Open Class A (≤167 cm ≤80 kg)
  • Men's Classic Physique - Open Class B (>167 cm. >80 kg)
  • Men's Bodybuilding - Lightweight (≤80 kg)
  • Men's Bodybuilding - Heavyweight (>80 kg)
  • Women Bikini - Open Class


Form Registration EIC 2024


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Evolene Indonesia Championship (EIC)?
What is the National Physique Committee (NPC)?
What is the IFBB Pro League?
What is the relationship between the Evolene Indonesia Championship (EIC) and National Physique Committee (NPC)?
What is the judging system for NPC IFBB Pro League competition?
How is the career path of NPC IFBB Pro League athletes?
What is Olympia?
When and where will EIC be held?
How long will the EIC competition last?
How do I register and participate in EIC?
What prizes will be given to EIC winners?
How much is the registration fee to take part in EIC?
Which brand of tanning are participants allowed to use in EIC?
What is the minimum age requirement to participate in EIC?
What are the classes and categories in EIC?
What about tanning services, does the committee provide them?
Can participants join more than one class category?
Is there a promo when registering to take part in EIC 2024?
How to get motorbike prizes at EIC 2024?
What is the maximum and minimum number of participants in each class?
Are participants required to be IFBB Pro members?
Can participants bring a companion backstage?
Can those who have won the IFBB Pro competition take part in EIC 2024?
What are the rules regarding Junior, True Novice, and Novice?
Where can I buy a ticket for EIC 2024 and how much the cost?
What terms and conditions must participants pay attention to when taking part in the EIC?

That's My Evolution.